Friday, February 5, 2010

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


There is power in forgiveness...
Recently I realized what my anger towards my ex-husband was doing to me. In order to stop living in a world of negativity, I had to turn it around, and I had to take my power back from my ex. The hate, anger, and resentment I was carrying around with me was destroying me, eating away at my heart and soul. I couldn't find peace or joy in anything I did. I couldn't sleep, I had severe headaches, back spasms, and my heart hurt. With the help of some deep spiritual reflection, I finally had my moment of clarity; FORGIVENESS was the only thing that would set me free. To rise above the anger, resentment, and negativity I felt towards my ex, I was going to have to take the moral high ground and fogive this man that hurt me to my bones. It only took three words to make me feel better: "I FORGIVE YOU", and then I forgave myself.
Forgiveness is not about the person that hurt you, but its about you... its something you do for yourself, to free yourself from the negativity. It dosen't matter if the person admits what they did wrong or if they never say sorry. Just let go and let GOD... Do it for yourself, your health, and peace of mind!!!
Knowledge is Power